This year has been an incredible year for me. I feel that I have grown in many ways as an individual, and all because of the events I have experienced, and the people I have experienced them with. This "Christmas card" is a way of sharing with you some of what I encountered this year and also a way of thanking God for his faithfulness in giving me the strength, wisdom, and love I so desperately need to navigate through life...Hope you enjoy!

Juli's wedding
In January, we drove through the frigid Pennsylvania forests into grey stillness of New Jersey for my Aunt Juli's wedding. We had fun at the wedding and in time spent with family. We danced with people we didn't know. We ate great food. We talked--a lot (How is my family not Italian? Haven't figured that one out yet...)
Nothing happened.
Toward the end of March, when we midwesterners are at the point of exasperation with all the cold, my family is lucky enough to have a little pad in North Miami to crash in. While vegetating in the humidity, we went to the beach, observed the birds and gators in the Everglades, and meandered through Fairchild's Tropical Garden.

Again, nothing happened.
Rilo Kiley
Happy Birthday Isaac and Erika!!! In May, we celebrated our birthdays with a trip to the House of Blues in Cleveland to see the indie sensation Rilo Kiley. The musical quality was amazing and it was fun to make fun of the couple making out in front of us the whole time!

Shane's wedding
I had never played guitar at a wedding until my good friend Shane Humphrey graciously extended the invitation for me to play with Andy Black for his wedding to Jillian. It was a beautiful ceremony...Seeing the bride walk down the aisle from the front and being close enough to see the look on Shane's face was a special moment...Saw many good friends from school at the wedding and Cody helped us find our way out of the Ashland countryside!
Gabe's dance
Toward the end of May, I was priveleged to attend Gabe's annual dance recital. It is truly impressive to see how he has evolved as a dancer. I don't know much about dance, but I know that he is very talented...PDC has been a great outlet for him to express himself and get buff in the process :)

South Dakota
Early June was the first trip I took out west--this time with my family. We stayed in the Badlands during the first portion, and followed up at Custer State Park. Highlights included hiking a very tumultous trail through the crags of the Badlands. At one point you had to climb this wooden ladder--scared Mom half to death. Also, in Custer we climbed the tallest peak in South Dakota, Mount Harney. The view was spectacular, and gave Mom the bragging rights we always knew she deserved :).

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Toward the end of July Erika, Julianna, and I, along with some others from churches in the Canton area headed out to Pine Ridge, South Dakota for a mission trip/vacation in the West. The first week on the Reservation was very enlightening and saddening. If you want your ideas of an "equal" America shattered, go out there and see how the government has screwed over the Lakota. On a happier note, we saw some of the most beautiful forms of nature when we were out there--electric storms, the glistening sun going down behind the black hills, flying hawks. On the trip back, we stopped at Custer, Wall, and St. Joseph's Indian School. One of the most enlightening trips I have ever taken...

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Toward the end of July Erika, Julianna, and I, along with some others from churches in the Canton area headed out to Pine Ridge, South Dakota for a mission trip/vacation in the West. The first week on the Reservation was very enlightening and saddening. If you want your ideas of an "equal" America shattered, go out there and see how the government has screwed over the Lakota. On a happier note, we saw some of the most beautiful forms of nature when we were out there--electric storms, the glistening sun going down behind the black hills, flying hawks. On the trip back, we stopped at Custer, Wall, and St. Joseph's Indian School. One of the most enlightening trips I have ever taken...
Also in this month, Erika bought us tickets to go see the infinitely artistic and wonderful mewithoutyou. Although they were sans drummer, the concert was delightful with Aaron Weiss and all his prophetic banter!

AUGUSTAlso in this month, Erika bought us tickets to go see the infinitely artistic and wonderful mewithoutyou. Although they were sans drummer, the concert was delightful with Aaron Weiss and all his prophetic banter!
Dan's wedding
In August, Erika and I attended my roomate Dan's wedding to Anna. At the reception, my friend Zak gave possibly the most polished, touching toast I have ever heard. I asked him how he came up with it, and do you know what he told me? He winged it. Go figure.
In August, Erika and I attended my roomate Dan's wedding to Anna. At the reception, my friend Zak gave possibly the most polished, touching toast I have ever heard. I asked him how he came up with it, and do you know what he told me? He winged it. Go figure.
Whitewater rafting
I am not the type to ever put myself in situations where I perceive that I am out of control. I hate roller coasters, theme parks, dangerous things. Yet, I decided to join my friends at the beginning of the school year on a whitewater rafting excursion. It was a little frightening at points, but the Pennsylvania forest was gorgeous at the time of year, and it made me feel very outdoorsy and rustic. Thanks for convincing me to go, Erika!

Whitewater rafting
I am not the type to ever put myself in situations where I perceive that I am out of control. I hate roller coasters, theme parks, dangerous things. Yet, I decided to join my friends at the beginning of the school year on a whitewater rafting excursion. It was a little frightening at points, but the Pennsylvania forest was gorgeous at the time of year, and it made me feel very outdoorsy and rustic. Thanks for convincing me to go, Erika!
My first camping trip
In my year of firsts, I went on my first camping trip, ever. I had never slept outside before, never cooked a meal over a fire--nada. It was a blast! Nick, Phil, Julianna, Erika, Kathleen, and Emily all went during the first part of our fall break from school. We cooked pie-irons, talked, sat out by the lake at night, goofed off, hiked, scared off racoons. Did I mention I nearly froze to death?
My first camping trip
In my year of firsts, I went on my first camping trip, ever. I had never slept outside before, never cooked a meal over a fire--nada. It was a blast! Nick, Phil, Julianna, Erika, Kathleen, and Emily all went during the first part of our fall break from school. We cooked pie-irons, talked, sat out by the lake at night, goofed off, hiked, scared off racoons. Did I mention I nearly froze to death?
Joshua Radin A self-proclaimed "whisper-rocker," Radin's music can be heard on Scrubs. Erika loves his music and I decided to tag along. It was an intimate concert at a Kent University hall. Nice evening, relaxing music.
Coldplay I spent my first paycheck this summer on Coldplay tickets in order to suprise Erika. And it was totally worth it! The concert was amazing...I was literally physically nervouse before they came on--I was looking forward to it that much. They opened with Life in Technicolor/Violet Hill and ended with Yellow. A highlight was Lovers in Japan in which they project these giant video reels of Japan and fireworks and there were falling paper butterflies that lit up with blacklight glow! We actually got to sit in better seats than I had purchased...A marvelous concert!
State Finals!
Samuel played quads on the drumline this year, and the marching band took home a 27th state finalist title, scoring straight ones across the board in every category. Samuel has progressed very rapidly on the drums, and I am very proud of him. I love to brag that when he entered the marching band, he couldn't even read drum music, and now he has made it onto the drumline!

State Finals!
Samuel played quads on the drumline this year, and the marching band took home a 27th state finalist title, scoring straight ones across the board in every category. Samuel has progressed very rapidly on the drums, and I am very proud of him. I love to brag that when he entered the marching band, he couldn't even read drum music, and now he has made it onto the drumline!
This Thanksgiving, Uncle Steven and his girlfriend Michelle visited as well as Erika during the last part of Thanksgiving. We had a great time, with lots of thats-what-she-saids, laughter, too much food, endless board games, and did I mention food?

Chicago Right after finals, I headed up to Chicago with Erika and my dad. On Monday I had a tour/appointments at Wheaton College, as I am considering attending their graduate program in clinical psychology. The campus was beautiful, but more importantly their progam seems to be very well suited to my professional interests. And we nearly froze to death. On Tuesday, we toured the School of the Art Institute of Chicago as Erika is interested in getting another degree in Art Education. The facilities were outrageous! The whole place was top of the line, multifaceted--painting, digital design, fashion, metalwork, video, performance art--you name it. On Tuesday night, we traveled back through some pretty bad weather conditions. Very thankful we were safe...

Goodbye to Julianna, Phil, and Greer We had a great time over at Erika's place partying like rockstars and saying goodbye to our friends...Julianna with be studying in Uganda, Phil will be working for the U.S. Justice Department, and Greer will be studying in Uganda. We will miss them very much, but their various experiences should be very enriching.
Thank you to all who made this year an incredible experience!
May God bless you in the new year...
Goodbye to Julianna, Phil, and Greer We had a great time over at Erika's place partying like rockstars and saying goodbye to our friends...Julianna with be studying in Uganda, Phil will be working for the U.S. Justice Department, and Greer will be studying in Uganda. We will miss them very much, but their various experiences should be very enriching.
Thank you to all who made this year an incredible experience!
May God bless you in the new year...