Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Human as Habit

Do something everyday for no other reason than you would rather not do it, so that when the hour of dire need draws nigh, it may find you not unnerved and untrained to stand the test. - William James

Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits, they would give more heed to their conduct while in the plastic state. - William James

The above quotes are from William James, commonly referred to as the father of psychology. I, because I am not engulfed in patriarchal misconceptions of history, and because I have such good taste, will refer to him as a founder of psychology. (I actually have no clue as to the influence of women in psychology...just thought I'd try to sound like the intellectual clown I am.)


I am trying to blog everyday, not because I think that I have daily doses of wisdom to offer the whole world, but because I believe the process will help me become more thoughtful. Hopefully this habit will move me from claiming to be cerebral to actually attaining a habit that will help me develop as a person.

*And* I am being paid $750 for each post by a blogging company.



Nick B said...
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Nick B said...

when you said you were getting paid 750 a post... i almost crapped my pants and was infused with jealousy and rage.

Cody Milliron said...

Good luck, beneficial habits are difficult to form, but persevere, good friend, not letting dilatory behavior prevail and you will be a better man for it.

Just look at the proverb of the Sweedish goat herder.


Cody Milliron said...

But are we the sum of our actions? Are we the sum of our habits?

I am not sure...

Cody Milliron said...

Define everyday???